Thursday, August 16, 2007

TEFL is Over!

I took my TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) final today! I think I did very well and will pass easily. This will earn me my certification as an EFL teacher! It's been a very busy month, and everything is winding down to our departure Monday night. I've recieved my itinerary and thought you would all like to know the details so here they are:

We're leaving WCIU Monday night, but our flight doesn't leave until 1:15 AM Tuesday morning. We'll be flying to Taipei, Taiwan then on to Ha Noi, Viet Nam. One of our administrators will be meeting us in Ha Noi to escort us to Vinh. It's going to be a 2-3 day journey, and while I'll probably be tired, I love to travel, so this will be great.

Please pray for our team as we depart, and that we will be able to handle the culture shock well. I am still about $7000 in the hole, but I know that God works in His time, not mine, so please continue to pray that He shows Himself in my support raising as well.

Now, as promised...


This is Joel. He'll be my roommate this year.

This is Mary. She was our temporary regional director for training, and the only person to stay in Vinh the entire year. She's a wonderful soul, and quite the lady for sticking it out like that.

Here's a fun picture of Lisa (on the left) and Adrianna (on the right). They're both going to De Nang. They're real fun-lovin' gals!

This Tyler with the hatchet. He was doing a skit about differences in beliefs among Christians and what people find essential vs. negotiable. I had to put it up here for all the ladies to see.

Here's a picture of my team going to Vinh. We painted our faces like the Vietnamese flag for Team Unity Day.

This is Su Cheng. She's one of our practicum students. Even though she still wasn't fluent after our class, I'm really proud of her. She is hard of hearing and has very poor vision, but she tried her hardest to learn English. She's always so happy and she brought her 3 grandchildren with her to practicum.

Speaking of her grandchildren, this is Clarence. He was a very energetic kid (read: crazy!), and it was hard to find a good fit for him in practicum. He speaks English pretty well, but he wasn't very comfortable in the class setting, so he liked to have fun (read: cause trouble ;-D) He could be a nice kid though, and hey... at least he's cute. ;-D

Here's a video of what the culture is like in Viet Nam as told by our returning alums Mary, Tyler, and Dawn.

Ok, so that's all I can put up right now, but I wanted to show you all what we've been doing this month. God is molding us into the teachers he wants us to be, and I know that we'll do our best to do right by Him.


Anonymous said...

yay! finally, the pix everyone has been waiting for. Your group looks great and I can't wait to meet them. I am also so happy that you are raising the support you need! I am sooo proud of you!
love you,

Anonymous said...


Thank you for posting the pictures. I'm glad to see and read about what God is doing as He prepares you for ministry. I am praying, particularly for you and Joel, that God uses you two to sharpen and encourage each other. Continue to find your strength in the Lord! Be a blessing today.
