Monday, August 20, 2007

Now it's time to say goodbye to friends and family...

This is it! The big day has arrived! We're leaving tonight for Viet Nam!! I'm very excited, but at the same time, I'm going to miss everyone. Training has been excellent. I've learned a lot about myself and my team and my God. I know that I can do this, not by my strength, but by His.

I'd like to mention a few prayer requests before I head out:
1) Travelling Mercies
2) I'm still about $7000 behind in my account. I know God will provide what I need. Pray and see if He might be trying to use you to bring that about. I'd love to share that with you.
3) My degree still isn't finished. I've hit another roadblock with getting it done, but I was given a good idea as to how to get around it. Please continue to pray that my professor will show grace in this.
4) Team Unity

Thank you all for supporting me with your prayers and your gifts. God is blessing me through you, and will bless my students, too.

I look forward to sharing my first impressions of Viet Nam with you by the end of the week!


Anonymous said...

God is with you always.
Love you DAD

Anonymous said...

God is going to teach and show you many things...embrace Him with all that is in you and don't let go...
love you,

Celeste said...

Although I am reading this a little late, safe travels.

Andrew said...

Hey Kenny,

I hope I don't get this in too late, but I am thinking of you and praying for you.

You are doing an good thing.

Love you man,