Friday, July 20, 2007

The Day of Reckoning

Well, that day is finally here. My last day in NW Illinois. It's a busy one, too. I've been to the doctor's office, given blood, I'm going out to lunch with Pastor Warren, need to be fingerprinted for a background check, pick up my last paycheck, make sure I've packed everything that I need, and drive out to Chicago to say goodbye to my friends there.

The morning has been pretty neat though. Many, many thanks to Dr. DeHaan and everyone at Md-at-Home for their help. I know that I've been a bit of a quirk in their routine, and I'm grateful to them for all of the things that they've done to help me get to Viet Nam. I especially want to thank Gerry, she's a really sweet nurse, and very understanding.

After the doctor, I went to the Rock Valley blood bank to give my last unit of blood for a while. I've always been an active donor, but with my travelling coming up, I will be screened out for a while. While I was there I got to meet Darren Marlar and Cindy Swanson from Marlar in the Morning, the local christian morning show in Rockford. If you think they're funny on air, you really should meet them in person. They said that they would be praying for me, and we all know that that is the best way that anyone can support this trip. I also got some Mercy Me tickets, and although I'll be on my way to Viet Nam, my parents will really be blessed by that.

There are a few unresolved issues at this time that I'm praying that God will provide for soon, and while I have faith that it will happen in His timing, I'm looking forward to seeing that provision. If you, my partners, could pray with me for these things, I'd really appreciate it.
1) I am still trying to negotiate the terms of my graduation with my professor. The school has given me a deadline of July 28 to get the incomplete resolved in order to graduate in the summer semester, so time is of the essence. If I don't get this figured out by then, it may jeopardize this trip, because I need to have my education completed before I can teach.
2) There are some due dates coming up for the costs of this trip. While I believe that ESI has been extending me some grace due to how late I got involved with them, I don't want to use more than I need to of that grace. When it all comes down, I need to have about $5500 by mid-August. This would cover all of the ESI expenses for my training and international airfare.
3) While this isn't an "unresolved issue" please continue to pray for my team, safe travels, and for my family back home. While I'm sure they'll welcome some time without me driving them crazy, I know they love me and will miss me. I'll be praying that they go to God for everything they need. He's got so much more to offer!

I love you all so much; thank you for praying for me, and I can't wait to keep sharing all the wonderful things that God will be doing with you.

2 Corinthians 4:5-6

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