Sunday, July 29, 2007

Support update

Hey guys,

I just wanted to update you all and let you know how things are going here in Pasadena. God is providing for me in so many different ways, and in ways I didn't even know I needed support. We've been working on being very open and vulnerable with our teammates, and it's been a growing experience for me to open up to these new people. It's healthy, though, and my spirit has really been blessed by the lack of pretenses that I have with these people. They're becoming my family, my brothers and sisters in Christ, and that is such a blessing.

On the more practical front, I am still struggling to complete my studies at IIT. My professor is really being a stickler, but my advisor has stepped up to help me get the work that the professor wants finished, and for that I am grateful as well, because I don't have much time to work on this stuff, especially as my heart is so far from being in it.

As for monetary support, another one of my teammates has been blessed above and beyond her needs, and she has been gracious enough to share that blessing with me. I am still working and praying that you, my friends and family back home, will be able to share in this adventure, but God is providing these needs from all over the place, and I am SOOOO thankful for that. My parents are being so very supportive as well. They've been helping to contact those that I didn't while I was at home, and I know that any day now, I'll be able to share even more stories of God's unending faithfulness.

Prayer continues to be the cornerstone of my endeavor. Without the prayers of all of you, I would fail. Earlier this weekend, I was able to talk with some of you back home, and it was such an encouragement to hear how proud of me you all sounded, and how you're all praying for me. I especially want to thank Dad, Mom, Mike and Bonnie, Mark, Shena, and Brittney, and of course, Noelle for praying for me. I love you all and can't wait to keep sharing everything that I know God will be doing in this next year.

I almost forgot to mention, currently I need $6600 more to meet my needs. If you're praying for me, please pray specifically for that number, and I hope that we can continue to keep praying together as it gets smaller and smaller.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so glad that God is providing, that you are growing in Him everyday, and that He is teaching us both to trust Him in so many things! God is our Source, and He will get us through it all...He has and will continue to do so-love ya